Arthritis and arthrosis are diseases associated with dysfunction of the joints. What are the differences and how do the diseases manifest themselves, is there a difference in the treatment of these ailments and are there ways to fully preserve the health of the joints.
Arthritis and arthrosis: differences
For most people, arthrosis and arthritis are equivalent concepts that mean problems with joints. These diseases do indeed affect the joints, but the causes and symptoms are completely different.
“Arthritis is an inflammatory disease, arthrosis is degenerative-dystrophic, that is, it is the destruction of the joint. Arthritis differs by the cause of inflammation (rheumatoid, psoriatic, gouty arthritis and others), arthrosis – by the cause of occurrence (primary, post-traumatic, secondary).
Arthritis can be caused by autoimmune diseases, when immune cells attack the body’s own body, injuries, infections, hormonal imbalances, or metabolic disorders. Moreover, the disease can affect other body systems.
With arthrosis, pathological changes in the joint are caused not by inflammation, but by natural wear and tear. This can be caused by high loads on the joint during life, aging of the body, as well as axial load disorders in case of spinal curvature, when excessive pressure is exerted on the joint. Sometimes, in the second or third stage of the disease, inflammatory processes occur with arthrosis, affecting the entire cartilage.
“People suffering from systemic diseases are at risk for developing arthritis. These are gout, psoriasis, Bechterew’s disease and others. Arthrosis often develops primarily, not against the background of other diseases. The main role is played by the hereditary factor or injuries to bones and joints. But sometimes arthrosis occurs as a result of long-term arthritis, because with chronic joint diseases, cartilage destruction occurs sooner or later. Another important factor in the destruction of cartilaginous structures of joints is a violation of posture and balance in the work of the muscles of the back and limbs. The structures of the musculoskeletal system work harmoniously and in a balanced manner. If one link begins to suffer, an overload of adjacent sections of the skeleton will inevitably occur. That is, it is important to understand that joints are not only cartilage. They are connected with tendons, muscles, bones, which ensure their normal functioning,” the doctor said.
Age factor
One of the key differences between these pathologies is the age at which they usually manifest themselves. In most cases, arthrosis is diagnosed in people over 60 years old. Arthritis can affect anyone.
“The onset of inflammatory diseases depends on the cause of inflammation. Even a young child can get rheumatoid arthritis. The disease is autoimmune, which means that the body produces antibodies against its own tissues. As a result of prolonged exposure to these antibodies, tissue destruction and inflammation occur. And gouty arthritis is more likely to manifest itself at an older age, for example, after 50 years. With gout, metabolism is disrupted, as a result of which urate crystals are deposited in various tissues of the body. The basis for its occurrence is the accumulation of uric acid and a decrease in its excretion by the kidneys, which leads to an increase in the concentration of the latter in the blood. Clinically, gout manifests itself as recurrent acute arthritis. Such patients are prescribed a special diet and if it is violated, they may develop arthritis.
Arthrosis is a disease of the elderly. However, according to the doctor, if a young person leads a sedentary lifestyle, is obese, has poor water intake, and is at increased risk of injury, the disease may “get younger”.
Arthrosis and arthritis have common symptoms. Joint pain is the main symptom, which can vary from mild discomfort to debilitating pain that intensifies with movement. Also, with diseases, swelling and redness of the skin around the joint may occur, and they are supplemented by constant fatigue.
“Arthritis and arthrosis are always pain when moving. At the same time, arthritis is always an acute onset, swelling, often with reddening of the skin in the area of one or more joints, with an increase in local or general temperature. Arthrosis develops over a long period of time, pain symptoms increase gradually, often simultaneously with gradual deformation of the joint or limb. Signs of joint inflammation in the form of swelling, redness, pain and fever are a reason to visit a rheumatologist who will prescribe the necessary tests. If the joint hurts, but there are no other symptoms, you should contact a traumatologist-orthopedist and have an X-ray. In both cases, more complex studies may be prescribed: computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging,” the doctor said.
Arthritis caused by a bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics and painkillers. Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis includes corticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and painkillers. Because of their negative effects on the body, the use of these drugs requires regular consultations with a rheumatologist.
Therapy for arthrosis usually includes cartilage restoration. Chondroprotectors are used for this purpose, which contain substances required for the construction and renewal of articular cartilage. If necessary, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, analgesics in the form of ointments and gels are prescribed. In advanced cases, surgical treatment methods are used.
“Rheumatologists help to identify the cause, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment for arthritis. Orthopedists prescribe therapy for arthrosis. If conservative treatment has proven ineffective or has exhausted itself (the function of the limb begins to suffer), in both cases they resort to surgical treatment. The most progressive method is endoprosthetics, that is, replacing the joint with an artificial one. Today, we have analogues of almost all human joints: shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee and ankle. Moreover, 3D printing technology allows us to print any specific component of the endoprosthesis for complex deformations,” the doctor noted.
There is no specific prevention of arthritis due to the variety of causes of joint inflammation.
“Often arthritis is only one of the manifestations of the underlying disease. Therefore, the most important thing is not to ignore the first symptoms of inflammation. But arthrosis is a largely controllable disease. Our weight, our posture, our physical activity depend only on us. Adequate regular physical activity, a balanced diet, sufficient water consumption, and quitting smoking are excellent help for our joints,” the doctor concluded.